Learning From Children

There comes a time in one’s life when one wakes up from his own walking dream. Whether is sooner or whether is later it does not matter. What matters is if it should come. But what was he dreaming? He was dreaming that he was born as a little baby who had two hands and two legs that were constantly moving filled with fresh energy. Then he became hungry and that made him cry. Each time he was crying a woman’s face appeared above his cradle and he realized that she was his mother. He had a mother. Later he met his father, he started talking and eating by himself and made playground friends. His parents were sometimes reading him stories and explained to him the meaning of every new experience that he came across. He saw that his parents seemed to know the answer to all his questions and he found them of great value for he wanted to learn. Then, he went to school and continue to learn from teachers and classmates and friends and all the people he encountered. He experienced friendship, love, change, impatience, laughter, anger, art, music, jealousy, romance, kindness and heartbreak. He became a person. He knew he is now a human with needs, desires and obligations, following the rules of the outside world, customs, religions, biases, ideas, events. He was often taught by the society he was living in that, as an individual, he is supposed to provide for himself, and to reach for high goals he was supposed to set for himself, and do whatever it takes to achieve them. So, thus, he learned to be a person. Later on he started his spiritual quest, and struggled to answer a question which troubled him most: ” What is a Person?” Is it the result of this social domestication the real essence of him or is he something beyond that, something he doesn’t know or something he once knew but forgot? How can he ever rediscover what was washed away from him by humanity’s dogma? Isn’t the memory of childhood so beautiful for most of us? No pains, no worries, just waiting for another day to meet your friends on the playground. We have so much to learn from children. It is wrong we should think to treat them just like that..like children..They will learn from us how to survive in this jungle by being competitive not compassionate, tough not sensitive, taking, stepping on each-other, running to be the first and the best. Instead, through them, we should remember the value of purity, when we haven’t yet learn how to lie, of innocence, when we know nothing still we know we have so much to learn, of dependability, when we know we need each-other for we are One. If this earth is a school, it all depends on what kind of diploma you want from Life. To bad we aren’t born mature and grow old into childhood. It would have been exciting to become a childma. But, as every ending is also a new beginning every child has to be a grandparent first. Everyone has to die in order to be reborn. And death is spectacular.